Hope4NC Hurricane Recovery Brochure
The mission of Hope4NC is to assist individuals in communities as they recover from the devastating impacts of Hurricane Helene. You can view their brochure here. |
Managing Stress During Organizational Change
Changes in the workplace such as restructuring, downsizing, or shifts in organizational priorities can create uncertainty and stress, often making it difficult for individuals to effectively manage daily responsibilities. View the "Mananging Stress During Organizational Change" resource by Center for the Study of Traumatic Stress. |
Resources in Response to the California Wildfires
In response to the California wildfires, the National Child Traumatic Stress Network has developed resources to help children, families, and communities navigate what they are seeing and hearing, acknowledge their feelings, and find ways to cope together.
Disaster Preparedness & Response Resources
Resources for psychiatrists for their roles in responding to disasters and mass traumas. Psychiatrists provide valuable medical experience and expertise for preparing and responding to disasters and mass traumas. It is important to understand how psychiatric care can be integrated into disaster response systems in order to effectively provide medical assessment, treatment, and consultation.
Coping After Mass Trauma
The effects of traumas and disasters can have tremendous psychological impacts on those who are affected directly and indirectly. Affected individuals may have various stress reactions that present psychological, as well as physical, symptoms. However, there are steps that individuals can take for themselves and their families to mitigate and lessen the psychosomatic impacts felt by the community at large and those involved in the event.
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